Establishing positive relationships, providing excellent service, and becoming the greatest national distribution company to achieve quality, sustainable growth
Membangun hubungan positif, memberikan layanan yang sangat baik, dan menjadi perusahaan distribusi nasional terbesar untuk mencapai pertumbuhan yang berkualitas dan berkelanjutan.
We serve you wholeheartedly and we will always provide the best for your needs
Kami melayani Anda dengan seapenuh hati dan kami akan selalu memberikan yang terbaik untuk kebutuhan Anda
Fulfill your regular job requirements while meeting your industrial needs. promoting a healthy work environment and delivering products that are assured to be of the highest quality
Memenuhi persyaratan pekerjaan rutin Anda sambil memenuhi kebutuhan industri Anda. Mempromosikan lingkungan kerja yang sehat dan memberikan produk yang terjamin kualitasnya.
Customer satisfaction and our commitment to partners are impacted by creating a safe, guaranteed K3 environment and providing enough facilities to ensure that shipping procedures always go quickly and effectively.
Kepuasan pelanggan dan komitmen kami terhadap mitra dipengaruhi oleh terciptanya lingkungan K3 yang aman dan terjamin serta menyediakan fasilitas yang memadai untuk memastikan prosedur pengiriman selalu berjalan cepat dan efektif.
We present classy and quality pipe products, to support your industrial needs
Kami menghadirkan produk pipa berkelas dan berkualitas, untuk mendukung kebutuhan industri Anda
We provide a variety of iron and steel for your industrial needs with the best quality
Kami menyediakan berbagai macam besi dan baja untuk kebutuhan industri anda dengan kualitas terbaik
Providing various brands of valves that have been certified and meet market quality standards
Menyediakan berbagai merk valve yang sudah tersertifikasi dan memenuhi standar kualitas pasar
The need for complete insulation and guaranteed quality. Able to strengthen the resistance of your pipe and minimize pipe leaks, as well as other applications
Kebutuhan akan isolasi yang lengkap dan kualitas yang terjamin. Mampu memperkuat ketahanan pipa Anda dan meminimalkan kebocoran pipa, serta aplikasi lainnya
We have provided all the equipment for your pipe connection. With various types and brands that are guaranteed
Kami menyediakan segala perlengkapan penyambungan pipa anda. Dengan berbagai jenis dan merk yang bergaransi
Using good materials and sufficient specifications can complement the plate needs in your industrial work environment
Dengan menggunakan material yang baik dan spesifikasi yang memadai dapat melengkapi kebutuhan pelat di lingkungan kerja industri Anda
Clients provide offers and orders goods
Goods are prepared according to the client’s request order
The goods will be sent according to the procedure and according to the client’s request
We always evaluate and match the discrepancies in ordering and shipping procedures
All parties agree and accept the goods according to the delivery criteria and the requester’s criteria
established since 2020
where we strive to serve you
we are a distributor of industrial needs providers located in the city of Bandung, West Java. We have served more than hundreds of customer companies and partnered with some of the best vendors and provide the best quality goods
Establishing positive relationships, providing excellent service, and becoming the greatest national distribution company to achieve quality, sustainable growth